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A standalone files is built for Mozilla's Rhino JavaScript engine with every release. You'll find it in the dist directory of the download. Download the latest release here.
25 Jul 2009 And they define where certain Commands, Snippets and Macros are available (you probably saw the 'Scope Selector' text-field way at the bottom of the 'Bundle Editor'). E.g. you can set a command to only work within an HTML file by setting its scope to text.html . The Manual says this about Language
TextMate themes have become somewhat of a standard when it comes to defining syntax color themes. These .tmTheme files are To import a file run the included tmtheme.js tool in the tools directory. $ cd core # the directory ready for distribution. See the guide on adding themes in Cloud9 Bundles for more information.
5 Bundles. A lot of functionality in TextMate is provided through various bundles, many of which are language specific. The default bundles are located in /path/to/ . Normally you do not need to care about this, as you inspect (and edit) the bundles through the bundle editor
1 Oct 2006 Stuart Colville's exploration of TextMate commands included as one of its examples a command that would run JSMin on the current JavaScript file and open the result in a new TextMate window. Inspired by this example, I've created a TextMate bundle of tools for JavaScript developers. It's fairly small at the
9 Jul 2010 Last week I started reading JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. So I was inspired by this article that explained how easy it is to make a TextMate bundle to run JavaScript thru JSLint and decided to make one to run the same Care to polish & contribute to JavaScript Tools Bundle?
javascript-tools.tmbundle - Essential Tools for developing Javascript in TextMate.
JSLintMate is a quick and easy way to check your code with JSLint (Douglas Crockford's powerful JS code quality tool) or JSHint (a community-driven version of JSLint that's more tolerant of common JS patterns). No more copy-pasting your JS into a browser to check it. JSLintMate runs within TextMate while you code, and
Converting from TextMate. It's possible that you have themes or grammars from TextMate that you like and use and would like to convert to Atom. If so, you're in luck because there are tools to help with the conversion.
16 Feb 2007 Web Design = X/HTML/CSS etc., Web Dev = JS/PHP/Perl/Python/RR/SQL etc., Utilities = Web Serches, SVN, Text etc.) This could simply be a grouping mechanism in the Bundle menu, or go further and allow the certain Bundle groups to be associated with a particular file type (or a manual user selection.).
